
Attorney Tierney is ready to go to war for you. He has an outstanding record as a North Huntingdon criminal law attorney.

  • DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE DUI & DWI – Attorney Tierney is your DUI attorney. He wins DUI cases. What was the basis for the drunk driving charge? Was there probable cause to stop your vehicle? Did you refuse a chemical test request? If you refuse a blood test or refuse a breath test, in addition to the DUI charge you will be facing an additional license suspension from PennDOT. Were the police outside of their jurisdiction? How did you do on field sobriety testing? Your DUI lawyer should address these issues with you.

    Medical marijuana is now legal in PA, but it’s still a crime to drive with a controlled substance, even legal marijuana, in your blood. Now, more than ever, police are on the lookout for drunk driving and drivers with symptoms of having ingested marijuana, such as the odor of marijuana, drug paraphernalia and unusual behavior.

  • ARD - If it’s your first DUI, you may qualify for Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition ARD and avoid a possible criminal conviction. Your arrest record gets erased upon completion of probation and you may only lose your driver’s license for a short period based on your BAC level.

  • DRIVING UNDER SUSPENSION 1543A & 1543B – If it’s a DUI-related offense or you’re a repeat offender, you could be looking at jail time.

  • OCCUPATIONAL LIMITED LICENSE OLL & PROBATIONARY LICENSE - Under certain circumstances you may qualify for a bread-and-butter license to allow you to drive to and from work while your license is under suspension.

  • POSSESSION OF DRUGS – Where did they find it? Was there a search? Did you consent? Was there a confession that was illegally obtained?

  • ASSAULT/HARASSMENT – Get the charges reduced or dismissed.

  • SPEEDING TICKET & TRAFFIC OFFENSES – Plead not guilty and call your lawyer! You could face a license suspension, points and increased insurance premiums for traffic violations.

  • UNDERAGE DRINKING – The law has changed for underage drinking. The good news is that there is no longer a license suspension for underage drinking. The bad news is that underage drinking is still a summary offense and if convicted of underage drinking you’ll need to get that record expunged. Attorney Tierney can help you with expungement of your summary offense underage drinking record.

  • IGNITION INTERLOCK LICENSE (ILL) – Ignition Interlock is now a major component of a DUI penalty. What’s the cost for ignition interlock? How long will I have to be on ignition interlock? Attorney Tierney can answer your questions with regard to ignition interlock requirements, ignition interlock options and ignition interlock hardships.
THE FINAL WORD: If you’re up against the wall and need to fight, remember: